Dustin Mykyte
Dustin D. Mykyte is Pe Ben USA’s President. He is directly responsible for all of Pe Ben USA’s strategies, operations and execution of its mission. Prior to Dustin coming on board with Pe Ben, he spent three years working in northern Alberta on various plant upgrade projects as a warehousing supervisor. He has worked for Pe Ben since 1999. Starting as a laborer, he worked his way up to field supervisor and in 2006 he and his father, Dale Mykyte, purchased Pe Ben USA.
Dustin’s in-depth experience in all aspects of Pe Ben’s operations enables the company to be run in a most efficient way. Since becoming President, Pe Ben USA has shown exponential growth in stringing and stockpiling operations throughout North America. He is actively involved in the Pipe Line Contractors Association, and the Distribution Contractors Association. He is a native of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and currently resides in Houston, TX with his wife and two sons.